The game Cape Confidence® is developed by Mélanie Cotting and Quentin Bays, after many years of hard and passionate work. They accompanied and taught a lot of people. Their game helps to reach deeper layers of emotional awareness. When having fun and feeling secure, it is easier to open up and let the heart speak.
When guided by a certified coach, the players discover a new mindset which can lead to new energy sources. During the play emotions can get out, the participants configure their thinking, find new strategies, and finally learn how to surf on the waves of difficulties.

I am useless
I will never reach my goal
I am scared to make a mistake

I simply don’t have the guts
I want to cry; how can I say that I ….
People will laugh about me when they see me.

I am stressed out and can’t speak
I feel ashamed of …
I am bad at …

This play is the perfect method to help people to:

  • Overcome difficulties that produce stress, fear, or other blocking emotions.
  • Manage emotions bothering progress.
  • Fight the feeling of being useless, unqualified, or inferior.
  • Believe in their capacities, find back their fighting spirit and motivation.
  • Use their brain more efficiently and see that they are capable to learn.
  • Take decisions feeling serene.
  • State their personality or authority and learn to say ‘no’.

For more information, please visit the official website of the founders: On this site you will find a glimpse of the game.