At school, I was scared to raise my hand and to reply to my teachers’ questions, I didn’t want to attract any attention. I was scared to make mistakes and thought that my classmates would laugh about me. The individual coaching sessions helped me to see that fear can be a friend that protects me in certain situations. I did some visualization experiences and games to understand my emotions. I found the courage to participate more actively in school. I experienced that my participation is appreciated, and some classmates are my friends now.
(Mireille, 11 years old)

I thought that I wasn’t smart enough to memorize things that I had to learn at school. In a short period, I accumulated a lot of bad notes. I did some coaching sessions with Susanne and I experienced other learning skills and I found out which ones were the best for me. I use these new techniques and get better notes at school.
(Alexandra, 12 years old)

I wasn’t confident at all, I didn’t trust anybody and hardly talked about myself. I panicked quickly and was embarrassed about it. I wanted to take care of my friends but felt blocked in a certain way. I wasn’t accessible.
During the individual coaching sessions I learned to trust some important persons around me and to talk about my emotional experiences. My friends appreciate me more than ever because I learned that they want to be there for me as well as I want to be there for them.
(Vanessa, 19 years old)

I hated my oversized body and wanted to slenderize. Since my childhood, I have had a bad relationship with my body. It was used to please others. I felt bad and had very negative thoughts about myself.
The individual coaching sessions helped me understand my defense mechanisms and my relationship with my body. I was able to work on my inner child. I learned to love myself again and to know that I am a very important person.
I am motivated to contact the right persons to help me lose weight.
(Marcel, 38 years old)

Every week, I helped my daughter doing her homework. Unfortunately, these moments became a struggle. Thanks to several individual coaching sessions, I detected what was going wrong and found out how I could help my daughter in a better way. We enjoy spending time together and organized the schoolwork differently.
(Vicenze, 47 years old)

After some individual coaching hours, I felt confident enough to explore new tracks and my own personality. Susanne helped me to identify my difficulties. This has been very useful to take some important decisions. The solutions we found seem efficient and make me feel better.
(Paul, 50 years old)